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Exposed by a Strava KOM

May 3rd, 2022 12:00am

Exposed by a Strava KOM

Im not sure how to start this story off without simply telling you, this is one of the most fantastical stories I have ever read about guy proporting to be a professional cyclist. I read this story on Cycling Tips website and must give full props to the author and website for incredible research that went into this piece of MUST READ journalism.

If this isn't turned into a NETFLIX or HULU movie, it would be a crime. But for now, please read this story when you have 20 minutes to be riveted to your reading device. Yes it's that good.

So Bravo to and to the Author Iain Treloar for such a great piece.

The original arwork below was created by the Cycling Tips publisher and the Strava screen shot were borrowed from the Cycling Tips story.


Location: News >> Exposed by a Strava KOM

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